You see things as you are
Day 323 / 365
There are times when I really loathe living in Mumbai. The traffic, the crowd, the noise, everything annoys me. Yet, there are days when I feel motivated by the energy of the city, and by the hard work that the people living here put in day in and day out.
The city doesn’t change, but my perception of it does change with my mood. When you are happy, you see happiness everywhere around you. When you are depressed, you will find sadness in the eyes of everyone you see. The chaos that you sometimes see around you might actually just be a projection of the chaos that’s inside you.
Our self-motivation suffers most from how we choose to see the circumstances in our lives. That’s because we don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.
There are always both negative and positive aspects of a situation. You’ll find whichever one you choose to look for. If you want to look for reasons to feel sad, you will surely find many. But you can willfully choose to look for inspirations and opportunities as well.
“When I open my eyes in the morning I am not confronted by the world, but by a million possible worlds”- Colin Wilson
This post is part of my 365 Day Project for 2019. Read about it here
Yesterday’s blog — Tulsa Center of the Universe