Time Capsules
Day 158 / 366
When I was a kid I was fascinated by the concept of time capsules. I first got to know about it from some show on the Discovery Channel. A Time Capsule is generally a box of stuff that people keep aside, with the intention of opening it years and years later. The idea is that when it’s opened it will give you a glimpse into what life was like in the past.
Today I remembered that I had created a time capsule myself as well. It was a cardboard box, and I filled it with stuff like that day’s newspaper, a few comic books, a few notes, etc. But sadly now when I try to recall where I kept it, I have no clue. I am pretty sure it's lost now.
I am a sucker for nostalgia. I love looking at old photos and remembering old times. I have a diary from the year 2007, in which I used to plan everything related to my studies. It had timetables I made for myself, plans of how I would get a 100 in Maths and Science, lists of things left to study before exams, and much more geeky stuff like that.
I carried that with me when I went to Kota, and then to college. Even today, 17 years later, I still have that diary with me. I am a drastically different person than I was back then. I guess by holding on to that diary, I hold on to that version of me, or at least a part of it. I can read it and I have a fleeting feeling of how my life was. I guess in a way that diary is my Time Capsule.