The Imposter Syndrome
Day 77 / 365
I used to think that the imposter syndrome is just something common amongst software developers, but the more I have discussed it with my friends the more I see how prevalent it really is.
For those who don't know, imposter syndrome is the feeling you get when you think that you are not actually good at what you do. You think that people just don’t realize that you are bad, that they just haven’t caught up to you.
I have felt that at all of my jobs. I always feel like I don’t deserve the money I am getting, that I am a fraud, and as soon as people realize that I am one, they will let me go.
When I do get these thoughts I remind myself that businesses are not stupid. They won’t keep paying me consistently if I am not delivering results to them as well. In short, they are not running a charity.
So if you feel like you don’t deserve the success that you are getting, just rest assured that you are not alone. Most normal people feel that way.