The day when there was no news
Day 108 / 365
There was a time not so long ago when the newspaper was our primary source of information. Whether it’s news about politics, or sports, or Bollywood gossip, the newspaper is where we got all that from. Everyone had a favorite section. For me, I went straight to the sports page and ignored everything else. Thus consumption of news then was more voluntary. You would seek out the information that concerns you and ignore everything else.
Fast forward to today, the age of the internet, where everyone gets there news from Facebook posts and Whatsapp forwards. You can’t get away from the news even if you try. There seems to be so much happening in the world right now, and each and every news flash seems either exciting or concerning. Makes you wonder how much of it is manufactured, or fake news.
87 Years ago, in 1930, the BBC had a daily 15 minutes segment on the radio for world news. On April 18, the BBC’s news announcer had nothing to communicate. “There is no news,” was the script of the 20:45 news bulletin, before piano music was played for the rest of the 15 minutes.
Think of that, a no news day! Seems impossible in the world we live in today.
This post is part of my 365 Day Project for 2019. Read about it here
Yesterday’s blog — How we discovered Dinosaurs