Stop complaining
Day 224 / 365
“You should never share your problems with others because 80 percent of people don’t care about them anyway, and the other 20 percent are kind of glad that you’ve got them in the first place.”- Ed Foreman
Everyone loves to complain. At least I know it's my favorite past time. Who doesn’t like to just sit in the cafeteria and complain about their bosses? Or maybe just call up a friend and complain about how bad your life is and how nothing seems to be working right for you.
It’s a fact that sharing your problem will make you feel better. But do you think that constant complaining is a good thing? Do you really want to be known as the guy that’s always complaining?
There are several reasons why you might want to stop this habit. Firstly, complaining about a problem would never lead to a solution. By complaining you are agreeing that whatever is wrong is external to you, and so in that state of mind you will never be able to think of steps that you yourself can take to rectify the situation.
Also complaining puts you in a negative mood. It’s like a chain reaction, one negative thought leads to another and you would soon find other things to blame and complain about.
And lastly, let’s face it, no one wants to be around a complainer!
So next time someone asks you how you are doing, instead of going on a rant just say — “I feel great!”
This post is part of my 365 Day Project for 2019. Read about it here
Yesterday’s blog — Eat that frog — II