Showing up daily
Of all the blogs that I have written so far, I think about 10% are good, 80% are just average, and the rest are complete garbage. I suspect that this one is gonna fall into the last category, but I don’t really care.
SIPs or systematic investment plans are quite popular these days. You invest a small amount in a mutual fund every month, and you would likely end up with a huge profit after 10 or 20 years. If you ever tried investing in one, you would realize why the promised returns are always advertised on a long term scale.
I invested in Mutual funds as well, and I used to check the value of my portfolio daily. I got happy whenever the value increased and got annoyed when it didn’t. Some months I didn’t even feel like making the payments, since the returns last week seemed bad. That’s exactly the stuff you shouldn’t be thinking. You should forget about the short term returns, just keep making your payments and have faith that the returns will come in the long term.
This is kind of how anything else in life works as well. If you start a daily habit like running or meditating, you will have good days and bad days. And most days you will feel like it’s not worth it at all. You will feel that today’s 10 min run isn’t going to contribute much anyway, so it’s fine if you skip it. But that’s the wrong attitude. You need to keep doing the right thing every day.
Take this blog for instance, as I said, I often end up writing shitty blogs. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I write one every day. If I just stick to that, I have faith that I’ll get the right results someday.