Practicing Mindfulness
Day 36 / 365
Next time you have 5 minutes to spare and you can find a way to be isolated, try out the following exercise.
Switch off your computer screen or your tv. Find a place to sit comfortably where you will not be disturbed. Put your phone on airplane mode and set a timer for 5 minutes. That’s pretty much all the preparation you need. Now just close your eyes and observe your breathing.
The point is not to clear your mind of thoughts. Let thoughts come and go. If you catch your mind wandering, just acknowledge it and gently bring your attention back to your breath.
That’s how easy it is to bring a bit of mindfulness in your life.
The importance of the present moment
The sad truth about our busy lives today is that we have forgotten how to live in the present moment. We are constantly reliving the past and fretting about the future. We lose out on enjoying the present moment and get more and more stressed at the same time.
Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present, aware of our surroundings and our task at hand.
Mindfulness is not just a meditation practice, its a way of life. The technique I stated at the start is a good way to get yourself started with mindfulness. It’s something best experienced first hand. If you are like me, who used to spend almost all of his time with headphones in his ears, you will find that the silence you experience while trying this out to be otherworldly.
This story is part of my 365 Day Project for 2019. Read about it here
Yesterday’s blog —The brain may be able to repair itself — with help