One day at a time
Day 79 / 366
This is going to be another one of those lazily written blogs that seem really low-effort. The first time I did this daily writing challenge was in 2019 because I was stuck in a boring 9–5 job with lots of free time and nothing to do.
The case now is the opposite. Not only am I 5 years older, but I have also taken up lots of stressful projects, and the external factors are not so favorable either. So there are bound to be days like today when I am not well and in no state of writing a blog post. And so in the 366 posts that I make, there will be ones like this that seem pointless. But hey, writing a bad post is still better than writing no post, so here we are.
I started this blog to learn more about AI and build small apps with it. What I realized pretty quickly was that a lot of the AI stuff that's popular these days is just a facade. It’s a mediocre set of features wrapped in nice packaging. So I pivoted to writing not just about AI, but also about anything else that might come into my mind, just so that I can write a blog post each day. Trust me, the AI stuff right now is in no way near interesting enough to warrant a daily post.
I am also at a crucial point right now in growing my company Blaziken Technologies. Against what the world is trying to tell me, I have decided to set up an office and hire more people. All this while still working on my current projects. I am not even taking a day off for Holi.
Things are tough, but I am enjoying the challenge. And I am well aware that it is going to keep getting tougher as this year goes on. It’s times like these that I remind myself of this phrase I read back when I was a student
“When the goings get tough, the tough gets going”
So I am just glad that I am moving forward, or more accurately I am crawling forward right now. But as long as I am getting closer and closer to my goal, it's all good.