Nobody Cares. Work Harder.
Day 266 / 366
Every now and then there comes a phase in my life where I accept the reality that I am just complaining a lot.
For this entire year, I have been complaining about the market being shitty, about the AI boom taking away freelance work, about my health, about the stress that I have and whatnot.
But the reality is that I am just not giving my 100%. I know that there are 1000s of things that I could improve, but I don’t. I complain instead. Complaining about external factors is easy, actually doing something about them is hard.
The harsh reality of life is that you don’t get to make excuses about being unsuccessful. Nobody gives a shit about why you couldn’t make it, no matter how convincing the reason is. You don’t get any consolation prizes in life. While you are stuck complaining, there will be others who will continue working hard and reach the goals that you once thought of reaching.
So stop complaining.
Stop focusing on what’s happening to you and start focusing on what you can do about it.
Stop blaming others for your suffering. Our brains find it more comforting to project the blame on external factors than to accept that we ourselves might be at fault.
And remember. No matter how impossible your goal seems, always go for it. Never Settle. If someone else can do it, you can too. And if you can’t do it, no one else can’t. That is the winner’s mindset.