No one is coming to save you
Day 178 / 366
Whenever we are in a tough situation in our lives, our first instinct is always to look into the universe and hope for some help to magically appear. We all want someone to come and rescue us from the trouble that we are in. But as you grow up, you start to realize that no one is coming.
Life is tough. If you are lucky, then you are sheltered from the hardships at least during your childhood. But you cannot run away from them as an adult. You can complain all you want, you can pray all you want. Your problems would seldom disappear on their own.
I used to see this as a bad thing, but over the past year, I have embraced this truth. And now it is comforting to me. Knowing that you, and only you can fix your problems, means that you have total control over your life. When you accept this, and take responsibility for your own life, you will be much more happier. Things might still be bad, but your mind would be at peace. It’s like the stoic mentality, you don’t need to worry about the things that are out of your hand. Only think of the things you can change, and start working on them.
I think it would be perfect to end this blog with the serenity prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things I can; And the wisdom to know the difference.