Maybe I’m Addicted
I was talking to a colleague today who uses an iPhone X. I asked him if he would upgrade to the new iPhone, and he said that won’t as he only uses his phone for calls anyway. I thought he was exaggerating, but then he added that his phone on-screen time was less than 30 minutes for a day. This made me have a really grim realization — I am addicted to my phone.
I’ll share a little stat to tell you how bad my situation is. The youtube app on my phone shows that I have watched videos on Youtube for 67 hours in the past week. That’s almost 10 hours daily!
To be fair, a lot of the time it’s a podcast running in the background while I work. But still, it is a lot of my daily attention going towards something unproductive.
Here are some more stats for you. I use Whatsapp on my phone daily for about 1 hour and Reddit for about 30 minutes. That’s excluding the time I waste on these two on my laptop.
Frankly speaking, I have known this for a long time. However, I never took any concrete steps to fix this, as I thought it just wasn’t fixable. But now that I have seen people do it, I am motivated to do something about it. But motivation is all I have right now, I still need to figure out what to do. I’ll keep you posted.