Day 171 / 366
Back in school, I read the book “The Secret”. It’s a very popular book right now, and it talks about how you can achieve anything you want just by thinking about it. By really believing that you can get what you want, you will be able to manifest your own reality.
I’ll preface this by saying that I think this is all bullshit and pseudo-science. And “The Secret” is the worst book that I have read, amongst other garbage like “Think and Grow Rich”. But I think there is a different way we can approach this concept.
Yesterday was one of the most stressful days for me. I overslept, which messed up my entire day. I ended up working till 4 AM last night just to get a decent amount of stuff done. And I had to wake up at 7 AM today with less than 3 hours of sleep. I thought that today was going to be another horrible day where I got nothing done because I was sleep-deprived. lately, I have been having a lot of days like this.
But today I realized that I was tired of feeling like I was losing. I wanted to win. So I put on the playlist that I used to listen to when I used to run. And I visualized how it would feel for me to finish the tasks that I have not been able to do, how it would feel to be a winner.
It was nothing like magic. My body just responded to my thoughts, and I felt like I had extra energy throughout the day. And this also translated into actual work. I was able to accomplish a lot today, and I feel like I had a lot of small wins.
The reason I know it's not magic is that now that the day is coming to an end, I am so tired I feel like I will pass out. So I guess your thoughts do have the power to control your reality. But you have to put in the hard work as well.