Making time
Day 90 / 366
I am the type of person who would reply to messages instantly. Doesn’t matter if I have known you for a decade or for a week, I will make time for you. That’s just the way I am.
I saw a video today about how if you reply instantly to people or show any care to them people think you are desperate. Or that you are jobless and have nothing better to do. I simply cannot grasp it. What have we become as a species that caring about someone or giving them importance is seen as a sign of weakness?
I have my own reasons why I am quick to reply to people. Firstly, when I message someone, I like to receive a quick reply as well. So I am just doing to others what I want to be done to me. Secondly, it hardly takes 20 seconds to reply to someone. How busy are you with your life that you can’t even make that much time?
I don’t trust people when they say they were just too busy with other things and so could not get back to me. For most of my working life, I have been doing 2 to 3 jobs at once, all while taking on some personal challenges like writing a blog each day or reading a book a week. And yet I get back to people as soon as I can. People who are actually busy are generally the ones who reply fast as well, as they know the value of a person’s time.
Back in college, I used to hate people who would reply late to my texts. So much so that I would just stop talking to them. As I grew up I realized that it is fashionable now to keep people waiting, and so I have made my peace with it.