Making a Text based Adventure game with AI
Day 6 / 366
I finally finished the game I was making yesterday, and I am ready to have you all try it!
You can check it out here —
The game I made is a text-based choose your own adventure game. It’s like a story where you are the main protagonist, and at each turn, you get to choose between 2 options that decide how the story will proceed.
Now this sort of game is not new, and easy to make. But the twist here is that I am using AI to come up with the story on the spot. This means that it will be different each time you play it!
The only thing that's fixed for now is that the story will be set in Mumbai. Initially, the AI was talking in a very sophisticated language, and it was not fun to read. So I prompted it to talk in a Hinglish manner.
Also, each story is supposed to have an end, if you choose the right options, you will find victory.
Building this with Streamlit was a challenge. So far, I have only made simple UIs with a few inputs and a button, but this was more like a chatbot. This is where ChatGPT could not help me and I had to look into the documentation myself to figure it out. But I am glad I did, cause I can now work on chatbot-based ideas as well.
Try it out and let me know how the game works for you!