If you want the rainbow, you’ve gotta put up with the rain
You wouldn’t begin to appreciate a nice sunny day unless u have lived through a Mumbai monsoon. It’s the thing I hate the most about living in Mumbai. Days can go by in May or June when you won’t even get a glimpse of the sun. But the relief you get when the sky finally clears is just something else.
I’ve always been more optimistic about life than most people. I do believe that good things happen to good people. I do believe that if you keep trying, you will succeed one day. Although I would admit that the number of good days I have had in my life are way less when compared to the shitty days. But when these days do come, when good things do happen out of nowhere, it does feel like magic.
There’s something that VK Bansal, the founder of Bansal Classes, said in a speech on my first day there, that has stuck with me ever since -
“If you work hard towards something, and still don’t get it, just remember that it’s because God has something even better in store for you.”
My thoughts about God are complicated, but good days like these do reaffirm my faith in the universe, faith in the fact that all your good deeds, all your hard work does get rewarded sooner or later.