How to read more
Day 88 / 366
I have been wanting to get back to reading more regularly. Back in the day, I used to average one novel per week. Reading used to be my preferred choice of entertainment. But these days my attention span has reduced drastically. On weekdays, I can barely read 10 pages without wanting to take a break and check my phone.
This needs to change, and I know how to do it as well. I have done it in the past, I just need to write down the steps in this blog so that it might help others as well.
First and foremost, you need to choose what you are reading. It is important to pick something that is short and easy for you to read. If you choose something tough, you will not be able to finish it and it will discourage you to continue reading. You need to get some easy reads done so that you can get your confidence back.
Secondly, fix some times during the day and dedicate them to reading. It could be as little as 15 minutes. But make sure you don't miss it. And during this period you should be just reading. No checking your phone or watching TV.
Lastly, after you are done reading a book, don’t just keep it aside and forget about it. Do something with what you have just read. Write a review, make a video or a small post about it on social media. Talk to friends about it. This will reinforce the feeling that the effort you put into reading that book was worth it. You will realize that reading does add value to your life. In my case, I and some friends created a small book club where we could discuss what we read.