Good things come to those who wait
I developed a bad habit during this covid phase that I am sure many of you might have done as well. It was to keep checking the covid stats again and again. The first thing I did after waking up as well as the last thing before going to sleep was to go on and see the number of new cases for the day in Mumbai, and my hometown Jabalpur.
Since I started writing the daily blog again, I haven’t gone on to that site even once. Instead, that activity has been replaced by checking my stats on medium. When I checked the views today, I saw something surprising. My daily views crossed the 1000 mark for the first time ever.
When I started writing this blog, the number of views was never something that I had targeted. I knew I had no reach, and I was satisfied with the half a dozen views I was getting daily from my Facebook friends. Every once in awhile I would get about 100 views in a day, and that would keep me happy for weeks. I would have never imagined getting 1000 views in a day.
For the last two weeks, the views have been increasing steadily. But today was something else. 2000+ views in a day and I have no idea where these are coming from.
I hope this blog doesn’t sound like me patting myself on the back. I know that this still is a pretty small milestone and that there is a long road ahead. What I am happier about is the fact that perseverance does give results eventually. It took me over 400 blogs to get here, but I guess it was worth it.