Getting back on track
You know how they say that you don't appreciate something fully until it's gone, well, sometimes even that’s not enough. It’s when you get the thing back that you realize what you had been missing.
I realized that today when I stepped into my office for the first time in about 8 months. I had always been an advocate of working from home, I thought the lockdown was a boon for me. No more travel, no more being interrupted by other people while you work. And when I moved back with my family, I thought things would only get better. For the two months that I spent in my hometown, I didn’t have to care about cooking, getting groceries, doing the dishes, or washing clothes. Yet, my productivity actually went down.
It’s 10:30 PM right now. I spent about 10 hours at work, and yet I feel full of energy right now. And even while I worked, I was able to focus well, and I didn’t feel the need to listen to podcasts or youtube in the background. Compared to this just a few days back in my hometown, I was already sleepy at around 6 PM.
I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the warm Mumbai weather, or it’s just the energy of the city that’s brought about this boost of energy in me. Whatever it is, I hope it lasts.