Getting across the line
Day 76 / 365
For the majority of my life, I have had trouble finishing projects. I am great at coming up with ideas. I push all my energy into planning them and always have a great start. But somewhere down the line, I start to lose interest. And instead of going through that lull and finishing the project, I abandon it and move on to something new.
The beginning is half done they say. But that's all it is — 50%. You shouldn't pat yourself on the back too hard just for starting something new.
I know it feels great when you make a plan. It feels like an accomplishment in itself. You then share your plans with others, they congratulate you for making the plan, and so you feel even more accomplished. But when you actually start doing the work, the excitement slowly dies down.
You won’t have wins every day. Most days would feel routine. You will feel that it's not worth it and that it's okay to give up. But if you stick it out and cross the finish line, that thrill will be second to none.
Some of my proudest memories are of things that I have finished fully. Be it the books that I have read from start to finish, the websites that I have deployed, or the personal challenges that I have successfully completed.
This is why this year I am focusing more on finishing the things that I start.
This story is part of my 365-Day Project for 2023. Read about it here
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