Get shit done
Day 35 / 365
There’s no bigger rush for me than finishing a project that I started. Doesn’t matter if it's big or small. You underestimate how tough it is to finish things. Getting ideas is easy, and making big plans to work on those ideas is easy as well. But actually executing those plans, right till that finish line, most of the time just feels impossible.
The quote“Beginning is half done” is true. It takes effort to start a project. For instance, say you want to get into reading more books.
You can ask your friends all you want for tips, cruise the internet for the top 10 lists of which book would be the best to start and watch countless videos about whether to go with ebooks or hard copies. But the tough step is to actually pick up a book and start reading. You would give yourself all the excuses you can to put that step off. Hence I agree that just the act of starting a new project is commendable as well.
However, this is where I, and I think most others fail as well. We pat ourselves on the back for starting something, and we already feel happy that we have accomplished something. And the drive is lost. As soon as the task becomes even slightly tough, we abandon it.
I am not proud to admit that I have more unread books than I have actually finished fully.
I have fully written scripts for youtube videos that I never made.
I have countless business ideas that I started working on but lost interest in.
Which is why I cherish the few times that I do finish something. And this year I am focusing on getting things to the finish line, ignoring all the negative thoughts that I might have that come my way. I want to get into a habit of shipping things.
I would encourage you to try the same. Do you have a half-read book? or a half-written blog post? or a painting that you started but never finished? Pick it up again and dedicate this Sunday to finishing it. And experience how good it feels to actually get something done.