Eating healthier
Day 327 / 366
Lately, I have been trying to get back to eating healthier. Healthy for me means -
- Nothing sweet, except for 2 cups of tea with a spoon of sugar each
- No junk or preprocessed food, like chips, biscuits, or snacks.
- Avoiding fried food as much as I can.
- Eating a good amount of protein.
This sounds daunting, especially for me who has been eating junk my entire life. I would always have a soft drink with each meal, and eat 2–3 pieces of sweets or a chocolate bar after it. While the 2 cups of tea might sound like an exception, my usual intake is 4 cups, each with 2–3 spoonfuls of sugar.
But I am positive that I will be able to do it because I did it once last year. And I was able to keep it up for over 3 months. Last time it took me almost a month to get rid of all the cravings. This time, I am just a week in and the cravings are almost gone. That is definitely a good sign.
If you want to follow something similar, here are some tricks that worked for me.
Firstly, don’t confuse cravings for hunger. If it was hunger, it would be satisfied with a salad, or anything else healthy. Don’t get scared that ignoring your sweet cravings will have any negative health effects because they won’t.
And there are ways to fight your cravings. When I feel like eating something sweet at night, I would just drink water. A lot of time your brain confuses a lack of hydration with a craving for sweets.
Lastly, once you continue this habit for a few months, you will start seeing amazing results. And that would be all the motivation you would need to continue.