Do what makes you happy
There’s this youtuber that I idolize — Casey Neistat. Casey Neistat made his career living in New York making videos. He lived there for about 2 decades. But when he had a family with two kids and millions of dollars in his bank, he decided to move to LA, away from the crazy and fast New York life.
There were lots of logical reasons to support his decision. Most of his family was in LA. His family would get to live in a big mansion, instead of an apartment in New York. And he would get the chance to not work so much and just enjoy life. So he thought that he was doing the right thing. But within a year, both he and his wife were miserable.
What was supposed to make them happy, what logically the society would have suggested was best for them, was not working for them. So they decided to move back to New York. Casey went back to his old office and started making videos again. And he was happy.
I’ve learned in the past few years how tough it can get to find happiness in life. I’ve had it all — more money than I could spend, success in my career, and a supporting family. Yet I have been miserable. Unlike Casey, however, I don’t know the place I can go back to, to be happy again.
If you know of something in your life that will make you happy, I envy you so much. If you are not doing that, because of society, parents, or anything else, you have no idea what you are missing out on. Take that option while you have it. Be happy.
Buy that dress that you’ve always wanted to buy. Go on that trip. Play that Video Game that you have been avoiding as “it’s a waste of time”. Ditch that class and go watch a movie. Do not postpone your happiness.