Busy Days
Day 162 / 366
How much work do you think is too much work?
I ask that question to myself a lot. Most people would consider me a workaholic. Ever since I started freelancing in college, I have always worked on multiple projects at the same time. That trend continued even after I graduated. I would usually work on a full-time job and a few freelance projects.
When I did not get any freelance projects, I would start working on a hobby project, or just start learning something new. I remember when I was at JP Morgan, I used to wake up every day at 5 and build sample apps with VueJS and ReactJS. Back in college, I had always been just a backend developer, and I was always scared of frontend. So I used it as an exercise to get better and Frontend development, and that is how I became a full stack developer.
Truth be told, I don't often feel overworked. I like working and keeping myself busy. For me, days when I am only working on a single project feel like vacation. When I don’t have anything to work on, I am miserable. That is why whenever I get loads of work, I just do it. I don’t complain.
I do try to keep my weekends free as much as possible. That is the one luxury I give myself. I know I have bitched on this blog a lot about how I keep wasting my weekends, but I realize now that spending 2 days doing nothing is absolutely crucial for me to work at the high intensity that I need to do during the week.
There’s work to do now. So I will stop this blog here.