Accept the Universe
Day 230 / 366
One of the biggest reasons for us to be upset is that we try to change things that are out of our control. I am a victim of the same as well, and when I am going through something like that, I remind myself of the serenity prayer —
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Sometimes in life, we just need to accept what is and just live. The more we try to resist the inevitable, the more we will keep hurting ourselves. It’s like waiting on the platform for a train that’s already left. No amount of waiting would help you get on the train. But we still wait, hoping for a miracle that never happens.
We could, on the other hand, try and see what is it that we can change. There is more than one way to reach your destination. If your destination is being happy, or getting successful, or finding a partner, you cannot keep grieving for the missed chances. You cannot keep trying to turn back time and do things differently, hoping that the outcome changes. Nothing would come of it.
A while back, my status on WhatsApp used to be “I accept the universe”. It was a change of mindset for me, that no matter what hand I am dealt, I will make the best of it. I would try my best not to complain about the things that are out of my hand. The only thing that I would worry about is what I could be doing better.